Monday, February 24, 2014

Nail Polish and Vermont Maple Syrup

This weekend I was asked to choose two items that described me and explain why. It was very spur of the moment and didn't give me much time to think. I chose nail polish and Vermont maple syrup. Now before you think I'm vain and all about food, let me explain why. 

Nail Polish: When growing up I used to bite my nails all the time. Do much so that they would be bloody and scabby very often. My parents had many attempts at getting me to quit. None worked. I'm pretty stubborn:) One day my Grandma held my hands and looked them over, well, more like studied them. She simply states that my hands are beautiful. Then says they'd be more beautiful if I didn't bite my nails. From then on I stopped bitting in my nails. That's what began me painting my nails. In high school everyday was a different color on my nails. 

It's also a symbol of my hands. I can create with my hands. I make lace, cakes, paleo meals, quilts, clothes, language, and fun hair do's with my hands. I can serve and be the hands of God. I try to do the best I can and be someone that God can use for good:)

Vermont Maple Syrup: A wonderful discovery made while on my mission in the New Hampshire Manchester mission. It's real! I will never eat the knockoff nasty wanna-be syrup again. So naturally I have spent the necessary money to supplement my cravings and buy Vermont Maple Syrup now that I'm no longer in the New England area. 

It has become a symbol of my missionary service and sacrifice I have made for a year and a half. All the sweet memories I made during that time are very precious to me and worth so much!

The way that maple syrup is harvested is a great metaphor for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and gaining a testimony. The syrup is produced after extremely cold temperature differences that freeze and thaw everyday. Life is up and down all the time with trials and times of peace. When the sap is collected it is boiled down, over a refiners fire. Just like that we are refined and the excess unneeded junk is evaporated away and we are left with the sweetest syrup. We become our best selves with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

That is why nail polish and Vermont maple syrup are a pretty good description of me:)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Latest Escapades

It starts Friday, Valentines Day, the day of love and couples. I'm not a part of a couple, but a boy did ask me to spend that night with him by making dinner and watching a movie. It was fun, but not how I had imagined it going. I didn't get home until about 1:30am. By then my body ached and my mind was incredibly foggy. 

Saturday I didn't wake up until 1:00pm. I was stiff and achy, only stayed awake for about 3 hours. Soon I was asleep again until a dear friend came over asking me to go to a movie with him, right then! Do you know how hard it is to get moving after sleeping?! Do you know how much effort it takes to put on jeans and brush my teeth?! It really shouldn't be such a big deal, but it is. After a burst of action to get ready I collapsed into the passenger seat of his car to drive to the movie theatre. 

After the movie I could feel my body crashing. But I ignored it and afterwards ate a waffle infused with sugar. Such a bad move on my part! 

Sunday morning was difficult to get out of bed for church. I practically went through church with my eyes closed and just going through the motions like a zombie. I probably should have stayed home. BUT I really wanted to take the Sacrament, others call it Communion, to renew my covenants, or promises, I had made with God. I needed it:/ And another reason I wanted to go is I might be able to talk to a boy I like. So I went anyways. 

I had been over exerting myself for days and on Monday I took it as easy as I could. But that didn't help cause on Tuesday it all came crashing down on me anyways. I was in a review session. I had such intense pain I became nauseas and my body began going numb. My body started tingling and shaking. I knew what was coming. I got out of that room with all the people cause I didn't want to make a scene. In the bathroom I fainted. When I was able to come around to be able to stand and walk on my own, I went back to find an empty review room. I grabbed my things and began the long walk home. 

So maybe it wasn't that epic. But it was an adventure! Thanks to the best if friends I didn't have to take the entire walk home. They picked me up half way:)